Burn for Me: A Hidden Legacy Novel

4.5 Stars. CHEAH.

So, originally, I got denied by Edelweiss for an e-arc, but then I got a paper ARC at BEA. *evil cackle
At least until I request another e-arc from you. At which point, you can stop sucking it.
Burn For Me. Strong, funny, likable MC. Sexy, badass, cocky hero who has some fantastic one-liners. Witty banter. The beginnings of romance minus the cheese. Quirky, lovable family members. Strong world-building. Magic. Lots of action. Just a damn good time.
Did we expect anything less from these two fantastic authors?
I haven't had much interest in any new urban fantasies lately, but this book brought me right back to what I've always loved about the genre.
More in-depth review to come closer to release, which is frikkin far away in OCTOBER. Sucks to be you guys. *evil cackle again
Oh, but wait. I'll be doing a giveaway of my arc, because I'm generous and kind hearted and other words like that.