Womp, womp.

*No spoilers.
I have very little to say, which is sad. This book wasn't bad, but it didn't engage my emotions in the least, which is also sad. Also, nothing turned out like I'd hoped, which is even more sad. I'd say I tapped out emotionally about 30% of the way in. From then on, it was just a story. A story that was interesting enough to keep me reading, but definitely wasn't the story I'd come to love.
I'm glad this is a trilogy, because this probably would have been the end of the road for me anyway. The spark that captivated me in Shadow and Bone was nowhere to be seen in this finale. I won't say I regret reading the series, especially book one, but the books definitely didn't improve as the series went on. I still think Bardugo is a great writer, though. I just lost my emotional connection to all of the characters.
(show spoiler)
Lastly, the problem with love triangles and squares is that you can't please everyone.
I am not pleased. Hmmpff.