Supreme nerd, rabid reader, music snob. Strong of opinion, loud of mouth, quick of wit. Lover of all things canine and feline, cynic of all things.
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I'm hosting a giveaway for Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews. Enter HERE.
It is that time again! Time for a chance to PIMP your booklikes blog. You know you want it!!!
*No spoilers.
I have very little to say, which is sad. This book wasn't bad, but it didn't engage my emotions in the least, which is also sad. Also, nothing turned out like I'd hoped, which is even more sad. I'd say I tapped out emotionally about 30% of the way in. From then on, it was just a story. A story that was interesting enough to keep me reading, but definitely wasn't the story I'd come to love.
Welp. I don't know that I was destroyed, as Brandi promised, but this was definitely an emotional read. One I had trouble putting down.
I've alway had a thing for sadness. A martyr complex, if you will. I enjoy wallowing. Give me sad songs, sad movies, sad books, and sad stories. I like them all. There's something in sadness that makes me feel alive.
So, now you know. That's my secret. That's the secret that my close friends laugh at me about. I'm secretly sappy under all of this armor. Why yes, I do like the movie The Notebook. Thank you for asking.
*No spoilers.
This is going to be one of those annoyingly cryptic reviews, because I don't want to give away the "explosive conclusion." *snort
I see what you were trying to do there, book. Unfortunately, no dice. What you were trying to do has been done many times before and way better. The entire time I was reading this book, it tried to convince me that it was a mindfuck, but you can't fuck my mind, if my mind isn't fucked. Or something.