Grave Peril (Dresden Files Series #3)

Grave Peril (Dresden Files Series #3) - Omg. I thought I'd never finish this shit.2.5ish? I dunno. Whatever. I'll be generous and round up, but I do so grudgingly. I just want Harry to STFU. I want to like him, I really do, but he doesn't stop talking. Even when he's going to do something, he first has to talk about it for-seemingly-EVER. Shut up, Harry. Go be as bad as you tell yourself in your head that you are.Additionally, what little "romance" there is in this book is so frikkin contrived. Words like "love" are tossed around and it's laughable, because there is so little interaction between Harry and that stupid twit Susan, whom I hereby nickname as Susan WSDA aka Susan Who-Should-Die-Already. I can't with this chick. She is so fucking stupid and annoying and inconsiderate and reckless and so I hate her and so I can't fathom anyone loving her and so it makes my head hurt when Harry bows down to her stupidity and so I just want to scratch my eyes out when she puts herself and others in danger for selfish reasons and so I just want her to die already. I'm speculating, but maybe Butcher just can't write the natural progression of a meaningful relationship well. I have not been sold enough on Susan WSDA and why she's in any way lovable. To me, she's expendable. The most I get from Harry to square away his deepening feelings for Susan WSDA is that she's pretty hot. Not enough, dude! Not nearly enough to make me stop wishing for her death. "She"s hot" is a weak argument for loving someone, especially when throughout the book, we get little else to base these feelings on. It just screams "stereotypical male POV". I hate to generalize, but the fact that this is a male author writing from a male's POV about love and romance makes it hard not to generalize. Jus sayin. In conclusion, I feel that if even half of Harry's pointless inner dialogue was removed, this whole series would be about 6 - 7 books of good story. As it stands, I'm unsure if I have the will to go on. Unlike Susan WSDA, I actually have a sense of self-preservation.